Shadow Selves & Secret Identities: Sunday, October 10, 1-4pm
Come celebrate your "secret self" and create a quirky, mad hat or mask!
$10-20 sliding scale - no one turned away for lack of funds.
Oaklopolis Creativity Center - 447 25th Street, Oakland (between Broadway & Telegraph)
"To confront a person with his own shadow
is to show him his own light." - Carl Jung
Its that time of year once again, where the veil between the spirit world and the physical world grows thin...Its also an opportunity to express those darker aspects of our selves through costume and trickery...In this ArtDate, we'll playfully explore and celebrate the shadow archetype and ways in which its repression inhibits our creativity. Rediscover and don your "darker identity" in a safe, accepting, silly atmosphere. Who knew being bad could be so much fun?
Here's a slide show from the last MadHatter Artdate: